Friday, March 13, 2020

AxisVerify offer many different background checks for employment screening

AxisVerify offer many different background checks for employment screening

There are many different types of background checks employers can perform on any job candidate. However, there is more than one kind of background check an employer can request. Background checks help employers confirm a prospective employee has a clean record and can be relied upon as honest and truthful – and would be a great addition to their company.

There are several different types of background checks used for different situations. To help you have a better understanding of each check, we’ve compiled a list of 11 of the most common types of background checks and what each one consists of, including:

  • Reference Checks  :This is one of the biggest foundations of the background screening process. Reference checks give small businesses a good idea of who they are considering since past performance often dictates future expectations.Red flags include a reference the candidate asks you not to contact. Most states have laws governing what can and can’t be disclosed but job performance is on the table in many.Machado says these checks serve an important social purpose.For industries like healthcare, education and childcare, home care, and fields that take on so much responsibility with vulnerable populations, these background checks can – and should – be stringent,” she says. 

  • Work and Education Verification  : Business owners want to be sure the information provided is truthful here, but they also need to be aware of the law. Small businesses need to be familiar with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other laws at the local, state or federal level that are designed to protect candidates.As far as education verification, contacting an Admissions and Records Office is a common route. Social media audits can also be included. Pre-employment screenings drill down deeper into a candidate’s  information.

  • Criminal Records : There are a variety of circumstances where these are mandatory. They include past arrests as well as warrants and even pending charges. Medical organizations and government agencies as well as any business that handles lots of money will ask for one of these.

A criminal record check can also include identifying marks like tattoos.

  • Driver’s License Verification : Can your job applicant drive 55? So long as you have their permission, employers can run a driving record check to prove any applicant or current employee has a safe driving history. Results from a driving record check include: 

To carry out a check, you’ll need each candidate’s full name (as it appears on his/her driver’s license), date of birth, social security number, address, driver’s license number, state of issue, and, of course, each candidate’s express permission to carry out the check in the form of a signed release that complies with the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

  • Drug Testing  : Certain industries, like driving or aviation, require periodic drug and alcohol testing. These types of tests are used to determine whether or not alcohol or illegal drugs are present in the person’s system. These types of tests ensure your current or future employees are in a healthy state of mind, unimpaired, and can be trusted to perform at your company.

contact us:                                                                        
100 Feet Road, Madhapur,        
Hyderabad-500081, India.
Ph: +91 99519 91336

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